A Complete SEO Guide For WordPress Users

Google has been very consistent with its updates. Every now and then you hear that a new Google update is launched. However, since Google has recently changed its index with its hummingbird update, no major change has come forward. As a matter of fact, every new Google update leaves a huge impact on the rankings […]

How to Block Spam Comment in WordPress?

With website establishment comes the pain of comment spam. Whether you are running a small website or a well-established online store, they remain a big problem for webmasters. Unfortunately, you cannot do anything to completely stop it. However, thankfully with the passage of many years, webmasters have learned many ways to deprive comment spam of […]

Ultimate Guide for WordPress Security

Security of our website is usually never our top priority until our website gets hacked by a malicious party. WordPress being the most popular and widely used platform for creating website is extremely vulnerable to spammers and hacking. It was observed that more than 170,000 websites were hacked in 2012 and the number is growing […]