10 Outstanding Widgets for Commanding WordPress Websites


The online world is growing significantly, and in order to beat the competition and get an edge, it is extremely necessary to have a commanding website with extravagant features. With Wordpress becoming more popular than ever before, there is no denying the fact that it is absolutely an outstanding platform to establish a strong online presence. WordPress is growing at a large scale, and as reported recently, more than 24% of websites are being powered by Wordpress today. The reason is pretty simple – the simplicity and ease of use it offers to its users.

Moreover, Wordpress community always works hard to offer WordPress Developers with innovative solutions that are beneficial to every user of Wordpress. And plugins and widgets are proven to maximize WP sites performance and minimize users' troubles. However, you might find it difficult to choose from a wide range of options available to you, which is why we have gathered this list of outstanding widgets to help you improve and extend the functionality of your website.

1. Social Media Widget

social media

Social media plays an extremely important role in driving traffic to your website since more than 80% of web users are active on various different social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and much more. Therefore, one of the best ways to excel in online marketing is to connect your website with social media. In order to make the process easier for webmasters, WP offers many social media widgets such as Auto Social Poster, Thank me Later, WP Greet Box and much more.

2. Adminimize Widget

Adminimize Widget

Administration of a website is crucial for every webmaster. Granting and revoking accesses to user roles and having full control over the pages are important features of administration. Adminimize widget is an amazing widget that offers a wide variety of features. Adminimize widget is a must-have and simple-to-use plugin.

3. Google Analytics Widget

Google Analytics Widget

Every website fights to appear on the first page of Google. When you are working so hard to gain trust and faith of Google, using Google products can actually give you an edge over others. Google analytics is a super handy widget that offers complete user data and helps you monitor your website.

4. SEO Ultimate Widget

SEO Ultimate

When it comes to driving constant organic traffic to your website, nothing beats search engines. SEO Ultimate widget is a great widget that assists you in optimizing your website for search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and much more. It enables you to add Meta descriptions, titles, and keywords. With the features of SEO Ultimate, on-page SEO becomes extremely easy.

5. WP Database Backup Widget

WP Database Backup Widget

Wordpress is the most vulnerable platform because of its growing popularity. With hacking and spamming threats emerging from different corners, it becomes important to strengthen and secure your website. In order to avoid any problem, it is always recommended to backup your website. WP Database backup widget not only backs up your database but also ensure that your website is protected against hacking threats.

6. Image Widget

Image Widget

Image widget allows you to add an image to your website's sidebar which is otherwise only possible by adding HTML code in a text widget. As a matter of fact, not everybody is familiar with HTML and thus, image widget helps them set an image to sidebar without messing around with HTML or programming.

7. Authors Widget

Authors Widgets

Authors widget is yet another great widget that allows you to add a list of authors to your multi-author WP website. You can show author’s name along with their images and their posts' links. In addition, it also allows you to add a link to author’s RSS feed and show an article count.

8. Random Posts Widget

Showing random posts on your website reduces the bounce back rate as well as encourages visitors to stick around for longer. Random Posts Widget offers a convenient way to show random posts in your site's sidebar.

Random Post Widget

9. Quick Chat


Quick Chat is a super handy and powerful chat system for your WP site. A widget is available with Quick Chat widget that can be easily added to any WP site's sidebar to start a chat function on your site.

10. Soliloquy WordPress Slider Widget

Soliloquy WordPress Slider Widget

Soliloquy is a popular Wordpress slider plugin that makes creating slides easy. It allows you to add a slider anywhere on the website without messing around with the coding. Though Soliloquy is a paid service, you can still enjoy the basic version of this slider plugin absolutely free.

Wordpress is a powerful platform that not only helps you to extend the functionality of your website but also improve its performance with plugins and widgets. However, make sure you download only those widgets you want to use, otherwise you may end up with a slow loading site.

We hope you find this article helpful and beneficial. If you have any other must-have widget in your mind, don't forget to share it.