How to Add HTML Files to WordPress: Step by Step Guide

Back when the Internet was just emerging, all websites were built only of text and some basic static HTML. Now, after 20 years, we have seen that the web is a different place. The websites nowadays are nothing but complex applications. In addition, they are unique and offer a seamless experience for website visitors and developers. This, basically is because of the paradigm shift to open source Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress. WordPress is a huge and leading name in the web industry empowering 39.1% of the web. Assuredly, it has several in-built features with which you can build pages and content without HTML. It is because of the reason that WordPress core has in-built content types. Besides, the WordPress theme you use has its own pre-designed templates that could be used to create an outstanding website according to the website requirements. In addition, many WordPress landing page plugins can be used to make the customized page templates for the website visitors to land from email campaigns, search results, and social media as well. Hence, considering all the viewpoints in mind, we are presenting to you the step by step guide on how to upload HTML files to WordPress.

Why Do You Need to Upload an HTML file to WordPress?

Some definite reasons are there that reveals why you need to upload an HTML file to WordPress. Check them out below:
  • You Hold Your Favorites

If your inclusive HTML templates are used on the old website and you like to use them on the new website, then, you ofcourse, like to upload those on the new website instead of doing the entire thing again. With this, you can save your time and assure that it appears the same.

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  • You Need a Custom Page Layout

If the existing WordPress theme does not have a definite page layout, then, you can upload an HTML file with a design that you need and like, to customize according to the requirements. In the end, you like to check the WordPress website with Google Search Console and prefer to use the suggested methods of uploading the Google HTML verification file to carry this out. Accordingly, your website can appear in a search engine, like, Google. This is the reason that tools, such as Google Search Console exist. With this tool, you assure that Google will rank and index your WordPress website in the best search engines. Using Google Search Console, you can have information on current SERPs, hence, you can improve the SEO efforts and gain more Click Through Rate (CTR) to your website. The fact is that to use Google Search Console, you have to verify the WordPress website.   

When Uploading HTML to WordPress is Necessary?

Before delving directly to know how to upload the HTML file to WordPress, it is essential to know when uploading becomes essential:
  • You Require the Custom Page Layout 

As WordPress themes have an adequate amount of features for customizing the website, so, there are times when you discover that it does not have a definite layout you need. Building an HTML file permits you to get the design and appearance you need.
  • You Hold an Existing HTML File 

You could have created a website with HTML in the past and prefer to move it to WordPress. Hence, uploading HTML files can be simpler and easy than creating the content again. Definitely, it will save a lot of time for you.
  • You Need Google Search Console Verification

Many ways are there for verifying the domain ownership while signing up to Google Search Analytics or console. Here, the best way is to upload the Google HTML verification file. With the HTML file uploading, there could be some errors on the website, hence, there is a need to know the reasons behind it. Know- if you want to build the customized pages of the website and are there some plugins that can handle it for you. There will be a time when you have to edit the snippet of HTML code instead of uploading the entire file. 

Precautions Before Uploading HTML Files

As we have already indicated, uploading HTML files can result in some errors on the WordPress website, so we strongly recommend that you should take some precautionary measures:
  • Have your Website Backup

Always have your website backup before making important changes to the WordPress website, such as uploading the HTML file. Automatically, the backup process will run. In any case, if the things become out of control, then uploading the HTML file, you can restore the backup by selecting the Restore button.
  • Create a Staging Environment 

The staging website is the replica of the live website where the experiments and tests can run. Every single change you make on the staging website does not influence the live WordPress website. You can upload the HTML file on the website to know if it is working as anticipated. If in any case, if it breaks the website or shows some errors, then, you do not have to bother as your live website remains the best. Here, our recommendation to you is to upload the HTML file directly to the live website. When the staging website is ready, then the username and password will be shown. 

Different Ways of Uploading HTML files to WordPress

Here, in this section, we will be showing three ways of converting HTML file to WordPress, check them out below:
  • Upload an HTML file from the WordPress dashboard 
  • Upload an HTML file with cPanel 
  • Upload an HTML file with FTP

Uploading HTML file from WordPress Dashboard

Step 1: Sign Up to the WordPress dashboard and access the Media -> Add New. Step1 Step 2:  Choose the HTML file from your PC and upload it the similar way you upload any image or video. You might face an error like the image shown below while doing this: Step2 Also, if you are not able to upload the file from the media library, then, you can also try the below options:
  • Uploading the HTML file with Gutenberg

Step 1: Sign up to the WordPress dashboard Step 2: Build a new post or page Step 3: Make a new block by selecting the "+" sign on the page. Step 4: Choose the file. From this option, you can upload the HTML file: Uploading the HTML file with Gutenberg Also, you can copy and paste the HTML code to the page or post. On the right-hand side, select the three dots to have More options and Tools. Choose Code Editor It changes the overall page to HTML. What you can do is that- you can copy the HTML code from the HTML file and then, paste it here. code editor
  • Uploading HTML file with Classic Editor

Step 1: Sign Up to the WordPress dashboard. Step 2: Make a new post or page. Step 3: Choose the Add Media and upload the HTML file here. Uploading HTML file with Classic Editor Also, you can choose between Text and Visual Editors on the right-hand side.  The text editor that is HTML editor changes the page to HTML and enables you to paste the HTML code. If the uploaded file is not working then, you can also copy and paste it here.  edit post

Upload an HTML file with cPanel 

If you do not want to adopt the option to upload via the dashboard, then, you can choose the manual method as well. Find out below how to use cPanel to upload the HTML file. Step 1: Sign up to the web host account and access cPanel. Upload an HTML file with cPanel Step 2: Choose File Manager and then, select the folder, public_html. This folder has three more folders, known as, wp-includes, wp-content, wp-admin. Step 3  Build a folder by choosing the "+Folder" option from the top bar menu and then, name it anything of your choice. file Manager Step 4: Zip files can also get uploaded here. Note: Before zipping the file, you have to rename the index.html to index.php (you can also choose a different name as well). It is because of the reason that the WordPress website also holds the index.html file. If you upload the new one, then, it will overwrite the existing file and results in some errors on the website. After renaming the index file and zipping the folder, you can upload it to the folder you built. Zip filesupload Step 5:  Now, you can right-click on the folder and select the contents. If you want, then, you can also delete the zip file as well. This is how you can upload the HTML file to the website successfully.

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Upload an HTML file with File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

FTP is the third party software that can be installed on your PC easily. It allows you to link to the web server and access the website's folders and files. Step 1: Download and install Filezilla on the PC. Step 2: Open FileZilla and fill in the FTP details such as hostname, username, password, and port number. Then, select the QuickConnect. FTP details Note: In any case, you do not have the FTP details, then, you can contact the web host. Step 3: FileZilla will build a connection with the webserver. You can find out the left-hand panel termed as Local site that is your Computer and the right-hand panel termed as Remote site that is your website. Step 4: From the right-hand panel, choose the folder, termed as public_html. It is the place where the website's folders and files stay. If your folder is named with something else, then, you can choose that folder. public_html Step 5: Make a folder here for the HTML file by choosing and right-clicking on the Create directory and enter it. Create directory and enter it Step 6: From the left-hand panel, choose the HTML file you like to upload, right-click and then, choose upload. Overall, this process takes some time to upload. After its completion, you will find that the files have appeared in the right-hand panel. Congratulations!  Now, your HTML file is uploaded successfully to the website. You can use the website URL path including the file name and check the exact functioning of the website. 

Concluding Remarks

WordPress is the most liked Content Management System all around as it offers the website owners the flexibility required to build the best websites that make them stay ahead of the competitors.  By uploading the HTML file to WordPress with the above-mentioned methods shows how WordPress fulfills the needs of the website owners and provides them the freedom to customize the website as required. Also, if you are not sure and are not proficient then you can take assistance from the WordPress developers for HTML to WordPress conversion. We hope that you enjoyed reading this article. In case, there will be any query or suggestion then, let us know in the comment section below. We are here to help you out!! Thank you for reading!!