A Comprehensive Guide – How to Create Your Personal Portfolio

You must have spent a lot of your valuable time polishing your abilities as an expert designer, content marketer, copywriter, and photographer.  And, you are sure that you will definitely create something extraordinary. Undoubtedly, best works speak. But, are you able to get the potential clients? The chances that you will say 'No' are more!! Have you ever realized the reasons behind this loss? If you haven't, then give us the privilege to answer this, you are lacking in beautifying the work with the right presentation.  One more question- do you have a personal portfolio to present your best work? If not, then you have wasted a lot of valuable time of yours. What we meant is that the personal portfolio enhances the chances to make you more visible on the web and simultaneously, earning more money. 

What is a Personal Portfolio?

If you have a desire to gain more customer volume, and to improve your personal brand, then a website that can promote your work is a must.  Personal portfolios are consistent that need to be taken care of throughout your work.  You can easily display the samples of your work, details about yourself, completed projects in the past and better explain to your clients why they must use your services for their advantages. The exciting thing is that it does not require you to be a graphic designer to create a striking portfolio.  In addition, It assists you to get more projects and fetch success in the job/business. So, if you are a freelancer, businessperson, or is looking for the best opportunities, then a spectacular personal portfolio website is essential that can highlight your skills and achievements and make your presence noticed.   If you do not have an idea of where to start, then you are on the right page.  To know how to create a personal portfolio, we have curated some of the best ways. Let's find out!!

Choose a Specific Design for Your Personal Portfolio:

Specific Design for Your Personal Portfolio Minimalism is the first thing that you should consider while choosing the design. It is essential that your personal portfolio is concise and clear. And, if you are interested more in designing than development, than keeping this thing intact becomes more critical. There are several pre-made portfolio templates on the internet. Some of them are free, and some are premium. You need to choose the one that does full justice to your portfolio. Go with the template that represents your business & skills to the targeted clients.  Therefore, outline your requirements first and then find.  If you are in turmoil while choosing a portfolio design, then you can contact our WordPress developer to make a smart decision. For your convenience, we have given a personal portfolio example below that can clear your thought process.  Personal Portfolio Sample The reason that we love it is that this single-page personal portfolio website is an ideal aggregator, and it bloops!   It seems as simple to set-up and LinkedIn and blogs are on the appropriate spaces.  For more examples, you can check out this link.

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Fill up the Personal Information :

Once you choose a specific portfolio design, now it’s time to decorate it with the necessary personal information. It is significant to make a solid internet presence. So, feel free to tell your story and share your experiences. For personal portfolio preparation, include only the relatable and personable information. Let your personality shine through. Getting the clients that are related to your skills and abilities is a huge step to establish your customer base. 

Tell Your Story To Clients :

Tell Your Story To Clients The best way to make yourself transparent to the clients is by showing off your stories. Your past work decides your future success. It shows how effectively you will deal with your potential clients.  So, sell yourself, showcase your best work, define your journey to success, tell them what your key strengths, etc.  Below are some of the questions that clarify you what could be added or what couldn’t be:
  • How proud are you of your projects?
  • Were your projects successful? If yes, then, has it fulfill the business objectives?
  • Will the customers who paid for the projects add you to the portfolio?
Make sure that your portfolio is centered around the targeted clients. You must know what your audience wants to see and how you are perfect for them. Precisely, make your personality noticeable to everyone. After all, it is your personal portfolio. The fact that we all prefer to read the stories more than the information. Hence, telling the stories will make more clients engaging in your webpage. 

Highlight Your Key Skills :

The businesses, nowadays, look for experienced, professional, punctual, and multi-tasking individuals for their projects. So, to seek the attention of clients and acquire projects, highlight your key skills.  Attaining more skills is only helpful if used appropriately (on the work you want). The skills could be the one that you have learned from online tutorials, any certifications you acquire, and all the abilities you have. There is no wrong way of learning new skills, as long as they are related to the job.  Check out the below example. It shows effectively the key skills Chris Thurman have. The clients can find it easily and can hire accordingly for their projects. Highlight Your Key Skills  

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Attach Work Samples :

Businessmen these days are more smart and clever. They will not believe whatever you have mentioned. The impressive details and engaging profile will not work. Attaching the work samples to your personal portfolio can make them insisted. The samples could be in the form of text, audio, PDF, or videos. All these will exhibit your skills to clients and let them know whether you are suitable for their projects or not.  Another way to highlight your work is case studies. Integrating it will show the clients how you work, think, and resolve the issues. And, the best part is that the case studies do not require you to be expert in designing. 

Make it Easy to Approach You :

After you have curated your best work and wow the visitors with your presentation skill, assure that you have mentioned your contact details. If you will not, then the visitors will approach someone else. Add the contacts right away to make it easy for the clients to approach you.  In addition, include the email addresses, social media links, and your phone number as well. The personal portfolio is the reflection that enlightens that you are available and open for new works.

Easy Navigation :

Assure easy and straightforward navigation of your personal portfolio web page. If you want your portfolio to gain the client’s attention than the color changing and flashy navigation bare, then do not make your navigation complicated. Streamline and simplify the menu items, combine the pages, make the navigation style easy so that clients can navigate seamlessly from one page to another, and get the desired information. 

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Client's Testimonial :

Do not forget testimonials. Particularly when you work as a freelancer. If you do not have testimonials and then you can start now. Ask one or two clients initially and add the testimonial. Enhance them later on.  Basically, the client’s testimonial is the feedback given by them after using particular products/services. Include them in your personal portfolio and make the new clients approach you. Testimonials work as a path that gives you more business opportunities. It builds a reliable network of followers who have noticed your work. This process gives rise to the addition of new perspectives for collaboration.

Allow Visitors to Give Reviews on Your Personal Portfolio :

It is often said that- No one is perfect, and your critics are your real friends. You must allow clients to review your personal portfolio on specific parameters, such as the swift acquisition of the requested services, professionalism, satisfaction level, quality of the presented services, etc. Based on the negative/positive reviews, you can make further improvements. It enables you to get more projects from clients and customers.

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Final Words :

A well-designed personal portfolio makes you stand out from the competitors and boost your business chances exceptionally.  With the above-mentioned tips, you can easily build an impressive personal portfolio. It will surely increase your work credibility, and you will get more clients. This way, you will grow personally and professionally. Hope you liked this article. If there are any queries and suggestions, then do let us know. Share your queries and suggestions in the comment section below. Thanks for reading!!