Magento to WordPress Conversion Tips & Tricks for Better UX Design

As a website designer, do you know the exact steps that need to be implemented while performing Magento to WordPress Conversion for Better UX? Actually, the modern generation of web builders prioritizes UX when they design websites. So, what exactly is UX? Why is it important for the success of websites? What steps you should take to improve the site's UX while converting Magento websites to WordPress? Let's contemplate and find the answer. In simple words, website UX is the experience obtained by visitors when they browse your site. A website that offers a pleasant experience to victors is loved by both search engines and people alike. If they get unpleasant experience on your website, you start to face several problems, such as high bounce rates, low traffic, and low conversion rates. Inboard terms, active internet users will not love to visit your website time and again if they negative experiences. A good number of business persons rush to Magento to WordPress Conversion services. With this move, they reduce the E-commerce website operational cost up to a great extent. It also helps them to increase the profit margins by leaps and bounds. Just have a look at some key steps that you should take to improve UX greatly on a new website:

1. Create A Well-Defined Website Migration Plan

Magento to WordPress Website migration is not a child's play at all. Things may go haywire all of a sudden if you perform the website migration without a well-defined plan. It is possible that you face unforeseen technical problems while migrating your website from Magento to WordPress. So, first and foremost, create a website migration plan in consultation with all stakeholders. This helps you to take your existing Magento website on a new platform (WordPress) smoothly.

2. Don't Play with Codes

It is very important for a web designer to create a unique and user-friendly website. Google doesn't give any importance to two different websites that have the same design, content, CTA buttons, etc. To create unique websites or web-pages, coders play with codes. This is where they create security loopholes unknowingly. Hackers can easily hack your website using such security shortcomings. So, use simple code to create your new website or its pages. Check the authenticity of your code without any fail. Edit it if required. Google will never show your website in its SERP if the coding of your website doesn't match its standards.

3. Choose Only Necessary Design Elements

These days, simple websites rule the web. The rapidly growing internet audience loves to visit websites with awesome and cool design patterns. So, when you take your Magento website to the WordPress platform, there is no need to fill the new site with unnecessary design elements. Choose only those elements that are vital to make your brand emphatic and easily recognizable on the web. Just have a look at some recommendations: Note: There are numerous elements that can make your website look awesome and different from others. Choose different design elements as per your specific business needs. These are some basic suggestions only.

4. Relinquish Your obsession for WordPress Plugins

WordPress plugins are a boon for all tech-savvy and non-technical persons. They are available in free and premium versions. They allow individuals to easily add additional features and functionalities to WordPress websites. It helps them to save valuable time, money, and lots of human efforts in WordPress website operation and maintenance. So, most WordPress website owners are expediently crazy about plugins. They add too many plugins to their websites. So, as a result, their website becomes slow sooner or later. Slow websites are disliked by Google and visitors. They have a lower ranking in Google's SERP. In this case, the owner of that website gets only fewer chances of lead generation despite launching special conversion optimization campaigns.

5. Is Your Website super-fast?

Modern Internet users detest slow loading websites. They don't have sufficient patience to wait for a long time to visit your website. So, they leave it immediately and browse your competitor's website. It is a big setback for your brand. There are many reasons why your WordPress site becomes slow. Just find out those factors and eliminate them ASAP. This will make your website load faster on all devices. It not only complements your SEO efforts but also helps to get better ranking in Google and more chances of lead generation.

6. Is Your Website Responsive to Mobile Devices?

The rapidly increasing internet audience uses different mobile devices to browse websites. So, Google, the world's leading search engine (with approx. 92% market share), prefers only those websites that are responsive to mobile devices. Non-responsive websites are humiliated by Google with a low ranking in its SERP. Such websites receive frequent criticism from the audience and have a high bounce rate. So, make sure your new WordPress website is responsive to all mobile devices.

7. Is Your Website Safe for Use?

The safety of visitor's data on the web is the biggest concern these days. Frequent happenings of cyber-attacks, online financial frauds, use of malware software for stealing the customer's data, etc, give sleepless nights to online business owners. It is because they lose the trust of the targeted customers and potential business opportunities. So, website security should be your prominent concern when you avail of the WordPress Migration Services. It is because Google Chrome now declares the Non-HTTPs website as unsafe. So, add an HTTPs certificate to your website and take all possible steps to make it safe for use.

8. Do You Test Your Website for Technical Issues Before Launch?

As a visitor, how would you feel when a website displays 404 pages? Definitely, it causes disappointment and frustration. So, after taking your Magento website to the WordPress platform, check it for possible faults and technical errors, such as cross-browser compatibility issues, 404 pages, loading speed, responsiveness to different mobile devices, external and internal URLs, etc. Find all possible errors and remove them ASAP. Make sure that your website is 100% ready to be used by the targeted audience.

9. Don't Underestimate the Content Role In UX

When you take your Magento website to the WordPress platform (originally known as a blogging platform), content plays a greater role in UX. If your new website offers the content visitors are looking for, success comes in your way sooner or later. So, make sure you use SEO-optimized and information-rich content on your new WordPress website. Complement your content with relevant images, screenshots, data, facts & figures, etc. It will increase the user experience up to a great extent on your website.

Final Remarks

Magento to WordPress conversion is a new trend in the digital landscape. With this move, entrepreneurs aim to reach out new online shoppers easily on a low investment. Just follow the above-described recommendations to improve the user experience on your new WordPress website. To give an authentic look and feel to your new WordPress website, consider availing WordPress Theme Customization Services, offered by prominent WordPress development companies.