The #wpdrama Surrounding WordPress and Gutenberg Editor

There are enough Twitter battles which described a hashtag that was coined back in 2015. #wpdrama. Yes, the drama concerning WordPress either by haters or lovers. The most recent one clouded the most ambitious project of WordPress, “Gutenberg”. Yeah, the cutting edge editor introduced by WordPress, named after the Legendary German blacksmith, goldsmith, printer, and publisher who introduced printing to Europe. wpdrama The current speculations by many of the WordPress enthusiast are that “WordPress will end with Gutenberg” while some consider it as a “new era of WordPress”. To be honest majority of people are just “MEH” when you ask them about Gutenberg future. What’s the catch here: I am writing this post to give you some of the highlights that took place last year in the WordPress community. After this post, you will be able to answer this question, “What’s going on with this #wpdrama of WordPress and Gutenberg?” So, without further ado, let’s get you started,

What Is Gutenberg?

gutenberg For starters, Gutenberg is a German Printer who bring printing to Europe. But that is not the complete answer. Gutenberg is an editor plugin for WordPress which comes with numerous features that can really change the way of using WordPress. It replaces the TinyMCE post content editor.

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Gutenberg was written using REACT JS. But due to Facebook’ move to re-license the project under the MIT license, Matt Mullenweg decided to rewrite this versatile editor with a different library. It is now in a testing phase and is expected to be in the core system of WordPress 5.0. It is expected to be released after June 2018.

What’s About The Yapping, “#wpdrama”?

WPDRAMA A valid question actually. Before we get started with this discussion I want you to have a look at this Incredible One-Star review of Gutenberg by Web242. This showcase the core of the drama. In a nutshell, Gutenberg has a 2.5-star average rating with 4,000+ active installs. WordPress enthusiasts have mix feelings about this new editor taking place in the core WordPress. Let’s have a look at these mix feelings and understand what exactly is going on.

Is Gutenberg the End or a New Beginning for WordPress?

Gutenberg Wordpress Development This article was published just a few days back on It was posted by Iain. Here in this post, he expressed some of his concerns about the WordPress and Gutenberg. He sarcastically targeted WordPress over a number of times. Makes them remember few of their core philosophies like ‘Clean, Lean and Mean’. This was Iain at its very best. There are many WordPress specialists who support Iain’s view (Including me up to some extent). However, there are more to it when it comes to the amalgamation of Gutenberg and WordPress. Let’s not forget that Gutenberg is in its testing phase. It is a beta version and is still being rewritten in other javascript libraries (Which WordPress will disclose in the meantime). We have witnessed many Gutenberg plugin updates that are making it a wonderful editor for a publisher who prefers rich content on his WordPress website.

What Is The Chief Reason For Such Concerns?

WordPress has always been a prized project for being backward compatible. It can be comprehended as a choice which left the codebase outdated and large with loads of technical debt. WordPress allowed its software to run on PHP 5.2.4 which is deemed unsupported by PHP since Jan 2011. Developers raised this issue for a long time, but WordPress keeps on pressing to postpone it in the name of backward compatibility. This was quite surprising that WordPress suddenly brings the Gutenberg Project and started emphasizing on moving to newer technologies. Quite a departure from the stance! It is quite clear why the community of developers are pissed. They’ve been trying to bring modern PHP standards in the codebase and reduce technical debt for years. They are quagmired by this Trac-ticket discussion.

Why is backward compatibility loved so much?

wordpress compatebility It is just because it avoids any website to break. Gutenberg is speculated by these developers as site breaker. It is a valid reason to be worried. However, this reasoning does not cloud the factor that Gutenberg can really evolve the WordPress. It is in a testing phase (As I said above), so these vulnerabilities can be handled. Why Am I so favoring Gutenberg? Because I am a positive thinker and have full faith in the developers of Gutenberg Project. Let’s have a look at some of the features that are being catered in its Beta version.

Features Of Gutenberg Editor : gutenberg editors

Gutenberg is more than a simple editor. It is designed to ease the publication process of your WordPress website. Gutenberg is an editor who emphasises more than just the content field. If you know how to make your own custom theme, then with the help of the Gutenberg editor, you can revisit the entire layout of your WordPress website in a jiffy.

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It allows you to holistically design your WordPress website for a modern experience. It also enables you to build a foundation for design elements yet to come.

How Does It Look Like?

In this section, I will show you how you will get a whole editing screen instead of a just content field. Make a note of these points, • A block unifies all the multiple interfaces. To avoid any complexity which you can get when you add interfaces to each other. Block is a perfect getaway for the complex interface. • When you revisit the interface you can modernize easily the editing, writing and publishing experience. This eases you either as a new user or an old one. • A single block is at the center stage that comprehends a clear path in front of a developer. It is far better than widgets and shortcodes. • This Editor is perfect for full website customization. • A full editor screen gives you an opportunity to modernize the entire foundation. It is like taking one more step towards Javascript powered future which can leverage WordPress REST API.

Is The Discussion Really Over?

Nah, I don’t think so. This discussion is never going to end unless the Automatician come up with the final amalgamation of Gutenberg and WordPress. There are a lot of hopes and fears. To tackle all this Matt Mullenweg need to work harder. So, this was all about the #wpdrama that is surrounding WordPress and Gutenberg. I hope you like this post. If you need to hire WordPress developer, you can always consult the professionals in the field. Share it to spread the awareness and show your support to WordPress. Adios for now!