How to Make WordPress Websites Ready For Bitcoins

Do you deal in Bitcoins and want to make WordPress websites ready for bitcoins? If yes, we can help you in this regard. In fact, Bitcoin is an electronic currency. It is used for making online transactions without any involvement of third parties. Satoshi Nakamoto invented this digital currency in 2009. Over the past few years, bitcoin has faced a surge in popularity. Despite the fact that bitcoin is often associated with scammers and is considered to be the currency for making illegitimate financial transactions, there remain users who like it very much thanks to the anonymity of purchases on the network. It does not matter whether you agree with the use of bitcoin or not, its user audience has grown significantly in last a few years. This trend has inspired WordPress website owners to make their sites ready for Bitcoins and increase earnings. Are you also advancing towards the same path? Don’t know how to do it? If yes, then use the below-mentioned recommendations:

1. Choose A WordPress Plugin For Bitcoin :

bitcoin plugin First of all, you need to choose a WordPress plugin for Bitcoin. It will help you to install and configure the bitcoin tap on your website in an easy way. The plugin is updated constantly and carries a lot of useful information regarding Bitcoin crypto-currency. You will be able to draw visitors from your previously created blog or WordPress site, place ads, earn a lot of money.

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2. Choose A Domain :

Wordpress domain You will need a domain and hosting to create a bitcoin crane. A domain is an address or the name of a site that is attached to the hosting. The majority of individuals try to book a domain with .com extension. But, they fail miserably to do so. If you face the same unpleasant situation (because someone else has already registered a domain name), don’t get disappointed. Try to book your favourite site name with other domain extensions. IT companies that provide WordPress Development Services can provide you the much-needed help here. Keep your domain name simple, easily readable. and memorable. Ensure that the domain name reflects your core business to the targeted audience and let them know more about your offerings.

3. Select A Good Hosting Company :

web hosting Usually, hosting providers provide a full package of services, including the ability to register a domain. Therefore, it's better to register a domain and get a hosting in one place. You can find several suggestions regarding this on the global internet. Review the services of different WordPress Hosting companies from different points of view and select one who's hosting services meet your specific needs and budget. Some individuals use a free hosting service to reduce the cost. Such websites have a limited amount of traffic. They are slow and an easy prey for expert crybercriminals. The majority of advertising sites don’t recognize such websites. In such cases, you will not be able to place good advertising on your bitcoin. So, be careful and make a wise decision.

4. WordPress Installation :

WordPress installation To create a site, download WordPress on your computer. The program will be in the archive. So, create a new folder and unzip it there. Transfer WordPress files to the hosting server using an FTP. Follow "FTP - Connect to FTP server - FTP connection setup - Add new" route to connect FTP to the server.

Check Out - Which is the best way to you to install Bitcoin WordPress and plugins?

The hosting company gives your login and password details during the registration process. Use those details to access the manager panel and open the files on the server. Unzip WordPress file and copy them to the root folder of the server.

A. Create A Database For Your Website :

create database WordPress websites need a database to work properly. So, you need to connect the database to your WordPress site. For this, go to the hosting management pane and look for the MySQL database creation section. Once you find that, create the database name, administrator, and password. You should use a strong password to ensure the safety of your website database.

B. Edit the wp-config-sample.php file :

wp-edit-phpconfig Now, find the file wp-config-sample.php and rename it to wp-confiq.php. Now, open it in Notepad for editing. Please note: DB_NAME: Database name, DB_USER: Database user, DB_PASSWORD: password for the user, DB_HOST: Address of the database server, DB_CHARSET: default encoding. Now, save the changes you have made.

C. Run The Installation Script To Operate The Website :

Register in the browser line the address The WordPress window will open. Enter your site, Email, password and click install. Once the site is started, choose and install an appropriate WordPress theme. Go to the "Appearance" tab, choose the desired theme, click on the install button and activate it. By now, your website is almost ready. Customize the theme to give your website the desired look. If you want to add a specific theme to your website, get it from a WordPress theme development Company.

5. Install and Configure the Plugin :

Wordpress plugins installation Just install and activate the WordPress plugin for bitcoin. To do this, go to "Plugins - Add a new - Download plug-in. Download the selected plugin, click install and then activate it. Once the plugin is activated successfully, you will see its icon in your site’s control panel. If you need a specific plugin for your WordPress site, WordPress Developers can help you to get that. Once the plugin is activated, you will have to make the necessary settings. Some of them are:



Ref commission(%)

The percentage of the referral commission received by users for invited referrals.

Payout timer (in seconds)

The time interval through which the user can claim his/her reward.

Set payment threshold

The minimum scale for payment.

Reset seniority

The number of days through which the user can get the right to an additional bonus for visiting your site.

Ban address above submit restriction

Concern installation of restrictions, bans, etc. for persons who will abuse your tap.


The amount of money that a user can receive at a time at your discretion.

Based on your specific needs, you can make changes in other settings of the crane. Always save the changes you make. By now, your WordPress site is completely ready for doing business in Bitcoins. So, what are you waiting for? Get started and leave others behind in bitcoin trade.

Final Remarks :

Bitcoin business is booming swiftly despite several hurdles and crackdowns. So, use the above-mentioned tips to make your WordPress site ready for Bitcoins and make lots of money through Bitcoin trading. WordPress Design and Development services, provided by several companies, can help you to get a “bitcoin ready” WordPress site in an easy way.