A Quick Guide on WordPress Theme Customization For Big or Small Businesses

A good number of small and big brands use WordPress theme customization and WordPress CMS to operate their websites with great ease and low investment. As there are many companies and firms that provide the same products and services to the targeted audience, there is a fierce competition for making the maximum business. At a time when visitors have become technologically advanced and knowledgeable, having a professional and visually appealing website is mandatory for all companies/individuals if they want to run a profitable web-based business. When visitors land on your website, you have only a few seconds to impress him. If your website’s look is dull, visitors abandon your website quickly. You suffer tremendous loss in terms of revenues, SEO ranking, and generation of leads. There are thousands of free & premium WordPress themes. You can use them and create all types of WordPress websites easily and effortlessly. When you operate a WordPress site professionally and make money out of it, you feel the need for WordPress theme customization and optimization sooner or later. It helps you to give a new look and feel to your website, attract new customers/clients and increase the pace of lead generation up to a great extent.

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Are you also mulling over Wordpress theme optimization or customization? Confused as what you should do for this? If yes, then go through the below-mentioned tips. It will help you in WordPress theme customization and optimize it easily for different search engines and people. So, let’s start the journey.

1. Make Vital Changes In Custom WordPress Themes :

custom-wordpress-theme If you use a custom WordPress theme on your WordPress site, you need to carry out the essential theme optimization work so that it may match the site’s design and reflect the main message of your business to customers. There are several ways to customize WordPress. But, you need to be practical here. Don’t use any method without any specific plan. Have a look at some common and easy WordPress theme optimization methods:

WordPress Theme Customization Options

How to use that?

Difficulty level

Theme settings

Almost All themes have a Theme Options screen in the Admin Area. Helpful to perform the basic customization work


Theme Customizer

Allows you to customize various aspects of your theme, such as titles, taglines, and colors, custom backgrounds, and custom headers


Plugins & widgets

Allows you to make almost all types of changes in WordPress functionality.



It allows you to include custom snippets with your posts and pages.


Child themes

Allows you to make changes in the parent theme

Difficult for Non-coders.

Editing the WordPress core files

Covers all aspects of WordPress

Difficult. Don’t touch this if you are not an expert WordPress developer. Better Consult a web development company that has expertise in WordPress website development, customization and optimization to perform this action easily and quickly

2. Perform Pre-Optimization Cleanup:

Pre-Optimization Cleanup WordPress developers have a bad reputation of using the messy code for creating WordPress sites. They do so with an intention to make their sites different from others. However, it is a double-edged sword that can backfire. It can make your website sluggish and slow, forcing visitors to go away from your website. Therefore, you should clean the messy code off and replace them with simple and easily understandable code. Just adopt the “code first, ask questions later” to save your time and energy while cleaning up a website or its pages. If you have a decent knowledge of PHP, JS, CSS and HTML, you can easily do this work. If not, use WordPress plugins. Some excellent options are detailed here:

WordPress Plugins

Main Functions

Hide Unwanted Shortcodes

Helps you a lot to conceal unwanted codes

Mass Delete Remaining Tags

Helps you to delete unused tags

3. Optimize Website Images:

optimize images Images are an important part of website optimization. It allows visitors to understand the text content easily and take the required action further. But, if you don’t optimize images, you are not going to grab its SEO benefits.

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So, optimize all images that you use on your website. Just choose the right image format, trim its size, and add relevant ALT attributes. You can add your important keywords, phrases, and terms in ALT attributes to increase the effectiveness of your images. Once you complete all these essential things, upload the image to your website as per your specific needs. Such optimized images are preferred by Google and other search engines. So, your website of its pages are displayed prominently with all key terms under your niche and you enjoy its business benefits up to a great extent. You can use WordPress plugins for image optimization. Some good options are-

WordPress plugins

Main functions

Smush Image Compression and Optimization

A great helping hand in image compression and optimization

EWWW Image Optimizer

Image optimization

ShortPixel Image Optimizer

Image optimization

Compress JPEG & PNG images

Image compression

BJ Lazy Load

Lazy loading of images

4. Play with style.css:

style CSS style.css is the main stylesheet of the WordPress themes. If you want your website to be recognized by the WordPress and loyal visitors, just make some changes in the style.css. You can make vital changes the theme’s style.css as per your needs. See some examples-
  • Theme Name- Make sure you are using a unique theme name,
  • Theme URI- online location of the theme’s homepage,
  • Author- Place author name here,
  • Author URI- Online location of author homepage,
  • Description- Provide a clear and concise description of the theme,
  • Version- theme edition,
  • License-theme license,
  • License URI- Online location of the license,
  • Tags- are used to describe the theme,
  • Text Domain-theme’s text domain which is used in the localization and translation of the theme and
  • Domain Path- path to the theme’s localization files.
  • 5. Choose An SEO Friendly Theme:

    seo friendly theme
Digital marketing professionals use a number of SEO tricks to optimize WordPress websites. However, SEO trends keep changing from time-to-time, making it difficult for SEO professionals to optimize websites. To overcome this problem, you should use an SEO friendly theme on your website. This will help you in SEO exercise up to a great extent. You will be able to optimize your website for higher ranking in Google and other search engines. If you are not satisfied with the premade themes, consult a custom WordPress theme development company and get the specified WordPress theme created easily and quickly.

Final Words:

WordPress theme customization and optimization becomes mandatory for all those websites fetch limitless business opportunities for their owners. By following the above-mentioned tips, you can easily customize the WordPress theme and give a new look to your website. If you can’t do that, look for a WordPress theme developer for your website or switch to WordPress theme customization services for the desired results.