Genesis Framework + Theme – An Ultimate Solution For WordPress Users

If you have used WordPress for any of your online ventures, you probably have noticed that a majority of WordPress users recommend using Genesis Framework from StudioPress.

We use Genesis for most of our websites as well as for our clients, and so do all the web developers we know. In fact, most clients who work with us prefer getting their websites developed in Genesis.

However, every so often, many of our clients ask us why we use Genesis instead of other themes available in the market. And why is it such a big deal?

While I like to say, “Because it apparently is best”, I know this insufficient information makes our clients more curious, especially the ones who are completely new to WordPress world.

In today's post, I am going to get into the roots of this framework and reasons that make it an ideal choice for almost every WordPress powered website.

Who Uses Genesis Framework?

Speaking of WordPress users, there are basically two types of users who would certainly appreciate this framework:

# Ones who are on the lookout of premium WordPress themes # And developers looking for a platform to create their custom build websites

The WordPress developers

WordPress developers have been around since the evolution of WordPress. Genesis framework is an ideal choice for those who are looking for a robust platform to create their tailor-made and personalized websites on.

Due to flexible structure, well-designed layout and well-written code, creating your child themes of Genesis theme saves you tons of efforts and time in comparison to building a theme from scratch.

By integrating this theme into your website, you get to piggyback on hundreds of hours that have been invested in creating, refining and updating this framework to take it where it is today. Also, it shouldn't come as a surprise to know that Genesis has a large development community revolving around it which makes writing lines of code, development tutorials and suggestions extremely easy and convenient.

The WordPress Beginners

The second group is WordPress beginners who are new to the world of WordPress and is on the lookout for a well-documented, well-supported and easy to use WordPress theme that will give their sites a professional and superior quality makeover in a matter of few minutes.

Another important fact that makes this framework ideal for WordPress beginners is its SEO focused structure and fast loading code which fosters improved user-friendly website as well as search engine friendly websites.

The Power User

Yes, there is one more group that are happy to use an off the shelf Genesis child theme. This group is between the first and second group.

However, the power user may also want to modify the original child theme to meet their business needs and learn some technical skills along the way.

The theme comes with many customization tools that make customization easier for non-developers that enable them to make a variety of changes to alter the look and feel of the website. While those who are more curious and take the help from the online community and use the code snippets shared by other developers to make the desired customizations and tweaks.

What makes Genesis so special?

Well, there are numerous reasons that have gained Genesis the well-known acclaim and the number one position in WordPress development industry.

Here are a few of the highlights as to why it has become the theme of choice for many different types of developers and owners.

Well-coded design

Genesis is maintained by a team of developers at StudioPress, which keeps a close eye on all the feedbacks and reviews given by the framework and the theme. The theme is constantly updated to show best code practices and remains compatible with all the latest WordPress versions.

Thanks to this, we never actually have to both about updating to the latest version and the fear of losing all the customizations done to the theme.

Learning curve

I know few developers who say learning Genesis is like learning a whole new thing apart from WordPress. Well, they are apparently speaking from a developer's point of view. It does require some time to get a hang of Genesis theme and its features only if you are going to get to its roots and make changes in the code.

Genesis Theme Options

The default theme of Genesis has a wide variety of options to choose your site layout. You probably be surprised to see a “layout chooser” that would help you choose the desired layout for your website. As a matter of fact, there are far more options than any other WordPress themes, I won't deny the excellence the way the framework has built them in.

The theme also comes integrated with dozens of widgets including featured page widgets, featured posts widgets and more. An additional feature includes hooks that help you change the design of the page without having to even touch a single line of code.

Code Quality

If you browse Genesis theme code, you will find the very clean code. Since Genesis has a well-written code, changing the underlying code is significantly easy and straightforward. Even if you do not plan on editing the code for customization, a clean code always results in a fast loading website. The only thing that you may find annoying is that you find a hack to influence WordPress's core function. As an instance, when a function echo's but does not return, you get an output buffer.

However, the flexibility and scalability at which you can make your website stand out with Genesis are sure enough to overlook few bad things in it.

SEO Options for Genesis

Genesis also comes with an array of inbuilt SEO options that beat 95% of the SEO Plugins available out there. The theme itself allows you to add Meta titles, tags, descriptions and keywords and build templates. It also integrated with setting for noydir and noodp and various other particular Meta tags.

Lifetime Customer Support

Genesis framework, as well as themes, come with lifetime customer support for an unlimited number of websites you choose to build with it. The default theme equipped with detailed setup instructions which make it convenient for you to get your website up and running in minutes with the desired design. Moreover, the provider of Genesis framework i.e. StudioPress offers a directory of helpful code snippets and tutorials along with a long list of external resources to help you make modifications to your site's structure and appearance.

Aside around-the-clock support offered by StudioPress, Genesis has a huge community where you often find a solution to your problem as there are other users who may have encountered the same problem and resolved it with the help of others before you. This also indicates that the users have addressed the problem in a blog post or on the forum.


Genesis framework and theme are a high quality and professional WordPress tools. Also, when it comes to customization, it is extremely powerful. It appears professional and does not go too fancy with the designs. This may cost you higher than any other framework available out there but it's worth your money, time, and effort.

Genesis is truly the most versatile framework that not only makes it easier for non-developers to build sites but also professional developers to polish their skills and bring out the best.